Advent of Code 2021 was a good way for me to brush up on common coding problems and to relearn Python.
I started the series in Week 2, and while I did not get to complete all the problems, it was really fun to read through and make sense of the problems, and attempt to find a solution. Problems that are alien to my usual domain was a good brain exercise in understanding.
Sifting though all the solution code in the subreddit, and reviewing techniques used by well seasoned Python developers and Competitive Coders was equally interesting and a great learning experience.
Here are the posts of the solutions that I completed -
Day 01 - Sonar Sweep
Day 02 - Dive!
Day 03 - Binary Diagnostic
Day 04 - Giant Squid
Day 05 - Hydrothermal Venture
Day 06 - Lantern Fish
Day 07 - Treachery of Whales
Day 08 - Seven Segment Search
Day 09 - Smoke Basin
Day 10 - Syntax Scoring
Day 11 - Dumbo Octopus
Day 12 - Passage Pathing
Day 13 - Transparent Origami
Day 14 - Extended Polymerization
Day 15 - Chiton
Day 16 - Packet Decoder
Day 17 - Trick Shot
Day 18 - Snailfish
Day 19 - Beacon Scanner
Day 20 - Trench Map
Day 21 - Dirac Dice
Day 22 - Reactor Reboot
Day 23 - Amphipod
Day 24 - Arithmetic Logic Unit
Day 25 - Sea Cucumber